Stocking Programs & Inventory
Stock Inventory
American Composites is committed to keeping emergency stock of carbon blade inventory for immediate shipment to our customers for the most popular sizes. These popular sizes include the AC040719, AC040724, AC040736, AC040752, AC040769, and AC040772. We cannot guarantee that we will always have these sizes on the shelf ready to ship at a moments notice, but we make every attempt to do so.
Stocking Programs
Based on purchase volume of both blade sets and exchange compressors, American Composites and its exchange compressor partners are willing and able to execute stocking programs to assist our mutual customers in having inventory of compressors and compressor parts in your stockroom shelf, which you would only have to pay for when they are removed for installation. This program is intended to help customers limit downtime of operations while keeping the inventory off the books until needed.
Contact Us
If you have questions about these or any other service or product offered by American Composites, please let us know and we will reply to your request promptly.